Freelance Work LinkedIn London Personal Uncategorized

Pitching for a revelation

Mulling over the prospect of some freelance work for an up and coming London events website.

Yesterday’s pitch told me two things …

  1. If you’re touting yourself as a “Search Expert”, you’d better make sure that your own work is up to scratch.
    To that end a few more tweaks to this morning, just to make sure. now if it’s a fully-optimised personal website you want, I’m definitely your man.
  2. I actually know what I’m talking about.
    Only a fool is not discouraged by being laid off. As much as you tell yourself that it’s not personal, it just feels like it, and the resulting knock to your self-esteem follows naturally. Days like yesterday help to underscore just how good I really am.

My big problem now is how to monetise my immense talent! At least I have the weekend to think it over.

Anyway, the sun is out; there’s a breath of spring in the air. Amazing how better that makes you feel.